success case
"Hengdian World Studios" in Hollywood, China

"Hengdian World Studios" in Hollywood, China

  • Categories:Engineering case
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  • Time of issue:2021-04-19 18:19
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"Hengdian World Studios" in Hollywood, China

(Summary description)ChinaHollywoodhengdianfilmandtelevisiongroup~fireretardantB1classproductsenteredmengquanvalleyhotspringresortTheartificialplantfactory ofHaihongGroupfocusesonthedesignanddevelopmentof18solidproductiondepartmentssuchasmoldsculpture,printing,dyeing,beermachine,molding,injectionmolding,steelstructure,blowmolding,resinprocess,realtree,assembly,warehousemanagement, artificial,color,qualityinspectionandpackaging,andhasaperfectproductionframework.ZhejiangHengdianGroupMengquanValleyHotSpringResortistheonlyoneofthestrengthofthemultipleinspectionofourfactorytailoredtocreatea  artificial landscape. Hengdiangroupthroughvariousfiltermanufacturers,passthefiresecurityproductdesignteamownerandthediscussionofourdesignteam,manyprovethatourfactoryresearchanddevelopmentproductionoftheproductsmeetthenationalflameretardantB1level,throughstrictscreening,fromaspectsofevaluationofstrengthqualitybrandbackgroundofqualificationvalidationfromhengdiangroupdesignexpertsandteam. HaihongresearchanddevelopmentofspecialfireretardantB1levelproduct.Haihongartificialtreesare difficulttocatchfireintheairorundertheactionofhightemperature,itisnoteasytospreadquickly,andwhenthefiresourcelefttheburningimmediatelystop.  ChinaHollywoodhengdianfilmandtelevisiongroup~(mengquanvalleyhotspringresort),onceagainprovedthatourdesignanddevelopmentteamtailoredandoutdooranti-aging,anti-flameretardantandotherindicatorsofprofessional.

  • Categories:Engineering case
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  • Time of issue:2021-04-19 18:19
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China Hollywood hengdian film and television group ~ fire retardant B1 class products entered mengquan valley hot spring resort

The artificial plant factory of Haihong Group focuses on the design and development of 18 solid production departments such as mold sculpture, printing, dyeing, beer machine, molding, injection molding, steel structure, blow molding, resin process, real tree, assembly, warehouse management, artificial, color, quality inspection and packaging, and has a perfect production framework.

Zhejiang Hengdian Group Mengquan Valley Hot Spring Resort is the only one of the strength of the multiple inspection of our factory tailored to create a  artificial landscape.


Hengdian group through various filter manufacturers, pass the fire security product design team owner and the discussion of our design team, many prove that our factory research and development production of the products meet the national flame retardant B1 level, through strict screening, from aspects of evaluation of strength quality brand background of qualification validation from hengdian group design experts and team.


Haihong research and development of special fire retardant B1 level product.Haihong artificial trees are difficult to catch fire in the air or under the action of high temperature, it is not easy to spread quickly, and when the fire source left the burning immediately stop.



China Hollywood hengdian film and television group~(mengquan valley hot spring resort), once again proved that our design and development team tailored and outdoor anti-aging, anti-flame retardant and other indicators of professional.

TEL:+86 021—66508056  / +86 021—66508120 
FAX:+86 021—66518571
13917202566  Miss Zhou

FOREIGN TRADE:0086 18939908056  Miss Chen

ADD:Building A02, No. 3645 Beiqing Road, Huaxin Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai, China


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